Alpha & Beta, Benchtop Counters, Detectors, Meters
Ludlum 2929 w/ 43-10-1
Alpha/Beta Scaler + Phoswhich Tray Counter
Scaler paired with alpha/beta tray counter. Separate LED for both alpha and beta channels.
Monthly Price: $275
Alpha & Beta, Detectors
Ludlum 43-93
Alpha/Beta Phoswhich Probe
ZnS alpha scintillator with thick plastic beta scintillation material (100 cm2 active area) used for surface contamination monitoring.
Monthly Price: $100
Detectors, Gamma
Alpha Spectra FIDLER
Low Energy Photon Probe
Beryllium window thin NaI scintillator for the detection of low energy photons. (F)ield (I)nstrument for (D)etecting (L)ow (E)nergy (R)adiation.
Monthly Price: $600
Alpha & Beta, Detectors
Ludlum 43-37
Large Area Alpha/Beta Gas Proportional Probe
Large area gas proportional (582 cm2 active area) used for surface contamination monitoring. Must be charged with P-10 counting gas.
Monthly Price: $125
Detectors, Gamma
Ludlum 44-62
Gamma Probe
NaI 0.5″ diameter x 1″ thick scintillator used for wide-energy gamma detection.
Monthly Price: $100
Alpha & Beta & Gamma, Detectors
Ludlum 44-40
Shielded Pancake G-M Probe
Lead shielded G-M tube (15 cm2 active area) used for alpha, beta-gamma survey. For use in high gamma shine areas.
Monthly Price: $60
Detectors, Gamma
Ludlum 44-20
Gamma Probe
NaI 3″x3″ probe with gamma scintillator used for high energy gamma surveys. High sensitivity gamma survey when used with polyshield as collimator.
Monthly Price: $500
Detectors, Gamma
Ludlum 44-17
Low Energy Gamma Probe
2″ x 2mm NaI gamma scintialltor probe for low energy gamma (I-125) and X-ray surveys.
Monthly Price: $150
Detectors, Gamma
Ludlum 44-10
Low Energy Gamma Probe
NaI 2″x2″ probe with gamma scintillator used for high energy gamma surveys. High sensitivity gamma survey when used with polyshield as collimator.
Monthly Price: $125
Alpha & Beta & Gamma, Detectors
Ludlum 44-9
Pancake G-M Probe
Aluminum housed G-M tube (15 cm2 active area) used for alpha, beta/gamma survey.
Monthly Price: $35
Detectors, Gamma
Ludlum 44-3
Low Energy Gamma Probe
1″x1mm NaI gamma scintillator probe for low energy gamma (I-125) and X-ray surveys.
Monthly Price: $100
Beta, Detectors
Ludlum Model 44-1
Beta Probe
Scintillator (11.6 cm2 open and active area) used for beta detection.
Monthly Price: $75