Our team
Our team of engineers and health physicists are skilled in both radiological instrumentation and hardware design. This allows us to design and create unique solutions to difficult problems associated with radiation detection.
ERG has decades of experience with providing advanced technical solutions for difficult problems associated with radiological detection and characterization. Below are just a few key examples of our technical experience.

Alpha/Beta Pipe Scanner
ERG personnel designed the pipe scanner to meet specific detection capabilities and performed all software development to remotely view the scanner camera, control the speed, and collect the radiological data for documentation. The scanner was successfully used to release approximately 100 8-inch, and 10-inch diameter pipes in 2014.

GPS Gamma-Scanning MDC Calculator
ERG personnel automated MCNPX and performed all the technical analysis to build the database of numerical values required to determine MDCs. The approach has been approved and published by the Health Physics Journal.

Nuclide Decay Software
Using the software, the activity or number of atoms of a radioactive isotope and its decay progeny can be calculated as a function of time.
The software was initially written for internal use, but has since been available to download for free. The software has been used by numerous universities and has continued to receive positive feedback from users.

Remotely Operated Surveying System
The system was designed for a one-time-use characterization of trenches containing very high levels of contamination.